Should you offer coupons to boost your business or is it the marketing tool of last resort? A lot of businesses think offering a reduced price on products or services is going to improve their bottom line. Not necessarily. The following checklist will help you decide when it's right to offer a lower price or discount. Using discounts or not depends on many factors, including your business model and what you’re trying to accomplish. It’s not a quick fix. The simple truth is that coupons or discounts are advertising. That is, you’re paying to attract customers. Think your strategy through before you take the plunge. Pros:
Discounts are the Last Promotional Tool, Not the FirstIf you do decide to use coupons, consider the following:
Related Articles: 10 Reasons Why Discount Pricing is Bad for Business How to Use Social Media to Market a Local Business Rethink Your Marketing Strategy in Under an Hour 6/10/2020 12:42:13 pm
Compared to Shopify, Volusion features no hidden transaction fees and no checkout redirects that scare customers. 9/17/2020 04:23:01 am
Build loyalty. Coupons can instill brand loyalty to your existing customer base.
Oliver Twist
9/18/2020 04:48:22 am
Loved this post about pros and cons of coupons .Well explained !. Great tips shared. 1/30/2021 04:04:07 am
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Robbin BlockSharing what I know and love about marketing small to medium businesses. About me Categories