Psychographics outweigh demographics when communicating with customers. Learn 9 ways to research your customer’s psychographics and how to apply the idea to your website. Has anyone ever told you, “It’s not about you?” When it comes to websites, that’s especially true. Building a website that pleases visitors needs to be about them — the ones you’re trying to attract and engage. Understanding how they think and what they care about will help you communicate in a way that gets them to do what you want them to do. If you show that you "get" them, they're more likely to believe you're the one that can solve their pain, need or concern. Psychographics Over Demographics Demographics alone — the hard facts, like age, education and income — can be limiting. Crossing boundaries to focus on what’s meaningful to visitors, rather than for example making generalizations about someone’s age, is more effective for creating real connections with consumers. That meaning is captured in the term psychographics — a person’s occupation, interests, lifestyle and personality (values, opinions, attitudes). The better you understand your consumer, the more you can communicate in a persuasive way. How to Research Your Audience’s Psychographics Understanding your own customers, will help you find more of the same. Do at least one of the following, and you’ll be on your way to understanding what makes your customer tick:
Robbin BlockSharing what I know and love about marketing small to medium businesses. About me Categories